Scott has held board and executive positions with a variety of not for profit organizations, and continues to try to donate time and his experience to help those organization meet their charitable goals.
We are fortunate to work in markets such as housing and hospitality that can positively impact the people accessing those properties. It is rewarding to visit developments and hear from the residents, tenants, and guests, what they appreciate about the property and what they would change. (Hey, we all need to continue learning and improving what we do!) A very rewarding project was our redevelopment of the historic St. Agatha's Convent and Music Conservatory building into the Celeste of St. Paul Hotel and Bar. Exploring the history behind the building, our entire development team, and the resulting community response was tremendous!
Scott and his wife Tamara enjoy spending time with their two sons, Austin and Bjorn, watching them pursue their college education. When time allows, they like to travel as much as possible worldwide.